Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Benedict Option: Master Post


In which the critic introduces the author, a scold among scolds

In which all of you are barbarians trying to destroy the author's morally perfect society

In which things have been going downhill since the 14th century

In which the author sets down a set of moral rules that won't interfere with wine and cheese time

In which the author isn't persecuted quite as badly as Soviet dissidents

In which the author rambles on about liturgical worship for a remarkable number of pages

In which the author "discovers" a way of life that evangelicals have been living for decades

In which the author relays some entirely plausible anecdotes about Schools These Days

In which the author is still angry over gay wedding cakes and the critic calls the author a wuss

In which the author bemoans our rising acceptance of queers and sluts

In which those Kids These Days With Their Darn Smartphones are ruining the world

In which the critic asks - Does anyone really want to live in the author's world?

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